Cisco Blogs / Anubhav Swami
Anubhav Swami

Technical Marketing Engineer
Security Business Group (SBG)
Anubhav has 16+ years of experience in Data Center and Security. He is a Technical Marketing Engineer within the Security Business Group (SBG) at Cisco Systems. His focus is on Secure Cloud/DC Architecture using Cisco Security Appliances like Next-Generation Firewall (FTD), Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System (NGIPS), ASA, Tetration, Stealthwatch Cloud, Duo, Umbrella, AMP, NGIPS, Cisco Defense Orchestrator (CDO) and Cisco Threat Response (CTR).
He works on the major cloud platforms such as "Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, VMware, KVM, and Hyper-V" and integrates Cisco Security.
Formerly, a Software Engineer with SBG at Cisco Systems for Cisco ASA product line, where he has provided support on the ASA product line.
Before joining Cisco, Anubhav worked as a Lead Consultant in Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), where he designed and deployed India's first "Cisco HCS" solution and migrated global customers to Cisco HCS Solution.
Anubhav has also spent 5 years at Cisco TAC supporting Cisco Security Appliances.
Anubhav is a dual CCIE (DC and Security)# 21208
Configuring Cisco Security with Amazon VPC Ingress Routing
Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced a new capability in Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networking that is designed to make it easier and more efficient for Cisco Security customers to deploy advanced security controls in the cloud. This new capability is called Amazon VPC Ingress Routing. It all…